Monday, November 29, 2010

November Sky, 112810

Kathy borrowed my camera while I was at work Sunday (Nov. 28) and took these pictures of the sky.

Kansas has the best skies in any season.

Turkey Day 2010

Since Kathy and I were both off both Thursday and Friday this year at Thanksgiving, we decided to go the whole hog, er, whole turkey, and roast a big bird with some of our favorite trimmings.

Besides bird, we had dressing, roasted brussels sprouts, cranberry-sweet potato bake, olives, cream cheese stuffed celery, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream topping (that and the olives, the only store-bought, unaltered items). Wow, it was good and we were stuffed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Little Fall Colors

I decided there needed to be at least a nod to actual Fall here, so here's some other things I took pictures of the other day out at the old TSH grounds.

Crabapples, shrivelling on the branch. (Edit: This picture is on the KPR website the week of 11/28/10).

Leaves and sun, what could be finer?

Tall trees! The white one is a sycamore, they get huge. But don't put one in your yard, they are really too messy and too big.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Continuing End

I still have a lot of pictures of what has been done (or, rather un-done) on the old Topeka State Hospital grounds. They are on Facebook right now, and will soon be in my Picasa albums. Herewith, a small selection. These show the demolition of the old Engineering building behind the Auditorium, which was behind Center Building, now completely gone. The Auditorium is the larger building still standing as of right now, but with the roof pretty much removed.