Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Now December Comes Already

Time keeps on ticking, ticking into the future...

December's days grow short and dark, and the cold creeps in. I enjoy this part of the year more than many people do, I suspect. I'm not thrilled with having to get around in ice and snow, but I really do not mind the dark.

Let's see what I have to show for December, so far.

How about a tiny little tiny dog's baby tooth? Cricket is growing up and changing from baby teeth to big dog teeth. I guess they mostly just swallow them, but she spit this one out on the couch. So tiny! She actually lost this in late November but it took me about a week to get around to taking the picture.

Ah, more rain on December 3, a bit cold this time. But any rain is still welcome!

Ms. Monarda in her late fall colors. I think she's still quite pretty!

On December 6, Rich and I went out to west Topeka to the hill by the new theater to take pictures of the Moon and Jupiter, very close together in the sky. This is a composite picture, with Jupiter exposed in one picture and the Moon in another. Their positions are exactly correct.

I zoomed in as far as I could on Jupiter...did I capture some of her moons here? I don't know. I would like to think that I did.

Moon in the trees from my own back yard on December 7, handheld. Just interesting, not the world's greatest moon shot.

Moon on December 8, once again handheld from the back yard. Plenty of clouds tonight.

On the morning of December 10 there was a lunar eclipse as the Moon was setting in the west. My pictures of that are from Maple Hill, not Topeka, but I am tempted to post them here anyway. Maybe I will, sometime later.

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